These pages are no longer maintained, and were last updated in 2005. More info on the home page.
Mushrooms occuring in Java and Bali are documented in these pages.
This site includes the ASPT newsletter, and information about the ASPT journal Systematic Botany, and Systematic Botany Monographs.
The taxonomy of anamorphic fungi is the topic of this discussion forum/electronic newsletter maintained by Keith Seifert of Agriculture Canada.
Anateleo is a database of anamorph-teleomorph connections. Anamorphs are the asexual reproductive states of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes; a special article of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature allows us to give them their own names. This database includes only ascomycetes, so far, and is searchable either by anamorph or holomorph (=teleomorph) names. Opportunity is provided for new submissions (with documentation) and corrections. Now hosted by CBS.
Tom Volk has made available on the web his key to Armillaria species, accompanied by lots of information on the history and taxonomy of the genus.
Researchers interested in the phylogeny of basidiomycetes now have a home on the WWW that includes a list of meetings and workshops, an address book of like-minded mycologists, and a bibliography of relevant references.
This project aims to create a baseline inventory of the Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles, a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The study area includes Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and also some islands of the Lesser Antilles: St. John and the US Virgin Islands. These web pages include some nice photographs of mushrooms and their allies, and keys to selected genera. D.J. Lodge, T.J. Baroni, L. Ryvarden, and K.K. Nakasone are the principal investigators.
Rules for naming organisms are currently governed by several different codes, depending on the group you're considering: for Fungi we use rules set forth in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (q.v.). Some argue there should be a single system of rules for naming all organisms; a draft version of this proposed "Biocode" is provided at this web site.
The Global Network for Taxonomy promotes taxonomic training of scientists in developing countries to decrease reliance on foreign expertise and promote knowledge of local biodiversity.
Laboratory of Dr. Tom D. Bruns, University of California at Berkeley, USA. Copies of many of Dr. Bruns' papers are available. A database of DNA sequences to facilitate identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi is available through these pages. The database was described by Bruns et al. in Molecular Ecology 7: 257-272 (1998) and has been recently updated.
The fabulously massive databases of CABI Bioscience (UK) include the classification from the Dictionary of the Fungi, Index Fungorum (fungal names and authors), authors of fungal names, families, Species2000 information, and the Bibliography of Systematic Mycology. Great!
Lichenized members of the Caliciales are treated on this site, which provides keys, illustrations, and taxonomic and ecological information, with a focus on Scandinavian representation.
CBS is an important center for mycological research in The Netherlands. Their extensive culture collection can be searched on many criteria, including cultural characteristics. CBS also provides access to nomenclatural databases on the Aphyllophorales and the genus Fusarium, and archives of an ongoing discussion on fungal nomenclature.
T.L. Esslinger's cumulative checklist for the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada is an important resource for American lichenologists. It includes lists of synonyms and some nomenclatural notes.
A website devoted to chytrids, a group of microscopic, mostly aquatic fungi. The site focuses on the taxonomy of the order Chytriales, but provides good introductory discussion of chytrids in general. A searchable literature database, photogallery, and isolation methods are among the resources presented.
A WWW adaptation of Roy Halling's 1983 monograph entitled "A revision of Collybia sensu lato in the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada." The site includes an online key and index to taxa in Collybia, Rhodocollybia, and Gymnopus.
Qiuxin Wu and Greg Mueller document fungi which have disjunct distributions in China and eastern North America.
An identification guide edited by D.M. Goodman, D.M. Durall, J.A. Trofymow and S.M. Berch.
The Smithsonian Institution provides this searchable index to plant and fungus names that have been the subject of proposals to conserve or reject under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (q.v.). All such proposals are published in the journal Taxon.
Technical keys and taxonomic resources on inky cap mushrooms (Coprinus species) are provided through this web page, still maintained despite the sad passing of their author, Kess Ulje.
The CCFB is building a database of fungal diversity at the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve in Central New York, including images. The Preserve is owned by the Finger Lakes Land Trust.
A nomenclatural database of corticioid fungi is available for download at this site. The Corticiaceae are a group of basidiomycetes that, on a macroscopic level, look a lot like a splash of paint on wood. Up close they can be strikingly beautiful.
An ambitious project aimed at refining our understanding of the phylogeny of all fungi. The Deep Hypha webpage includes original proposals to the National Science Foundation (USA), a discussion group, list of participants, and links to the current project, Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life. A useful compilation of PCR primers for fungi is found on the Resources page.
DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) is a powerful software package for Windows computers that facilitates character analysis in taxonomic and phyogenetic studies. Through add-on Intkey software, users can create identification keys from on DELTA datasets.
DERMBASE is a nomenclatural database of fungal names in the family Dermateaceae, a difficult family of discomycetes. It has been compiled by Burghard Hein.
A site devoted to the taxonomy of the Diaporthales, an order of pyrenomycetes.
The systematic arrangement of fungal genera as suggested in Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi (8th edition) can be searched online.
The developing Digital Exsiccate Pages provide thorough descriptions of genera and species of fungi with illustrations and keys to species. They are an impressive effort of the mycology program at University Tübingen in Germany and the University of Göteborg, Sweden.
This database of type specimens held in herbaria in the Netherlands is searchable by taxon, author, and many other fields. It includes about 55,000 specimens of plants, fungi and lichens held at Amsterdam (AMD), Leiden (L), Utrecht (U) and Wageningen (WAG). Images of some specimens are available.
Sabine Huhndorf and her group at the Chicago Field Museum (USA) provide this user-friendly guide to digital imaging of fungi using a microscope, video camera, and computer.
Cordyceps and other insect pathogenic fungi of Japan are featured on this site with many images (in English and Japanese).
ETI develops information systems, and promotes knowledge in taxonomy and biodiversity. ETI maintains a directory of expert taxonomists across all disciplines (add your name!).
A taxonomic revision of the mushroom genus Flammulina (fuzzy foot mushrooms) is provided by R.H. Petersen, K.W. Hughes, and S.A. Redhead. The site includes a discussion of the family Xerulaceae and a key to Flammulina species.
This computer program from CIAT can be used to map the distributions of plants and other organisms, especially in tropical parts of the world.
Lichen information, including a dichotomous, online key to lichens and lichen-inhabiting fungi on leaves.
The freshwater ascomycete database is a nomenclatural and bibliographical compilation of water-dwelling unitunicate and bitunicate taxa, their substrates and distributions, and their anamorphic states. Mangrove fungi are now included. Maintained by Carol Shearer.
A publication of the Herbarium des Institutes für Botanik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Fritschiana includes indices to specimens in the exsiccatae Lichenotheca Graecensis and Mycotheca Graecensis.
FungalWeb provides a searchable classification system for fungi. It incorporates links to other databases including anamorph-teleomorph relationships, DNA and protein sequences, and fungal nomenclature.
Fungimap is an Australian project aiming to improve our understanding of the distribution of native Australian fungi. In particular the site focuses on 100 target species. The Fungimap website includes the newsletter, and provides information on the target species and other fungi of Australia.
A massive, searchable index of names of fungi, provided by CABI Bioscience (q.v.). These pages also include the classification from the Dictionary of the Fungi, Species2000, and the CABI culture collection (IMI).
Newsletter of the International Soceity for Plant Pathology Committee on Fusarium.
Keys derived from this publication (CBS Studies in Mycology 42, 1999) are presented on this page. They include a key to families of pyrenomycetes in the order Hypocreales, and to genera of the Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae, Nectriaceae, and Niessliaceae
This mycological society in Asti, Italy provides illustrated guides to species of Helvella, Peziza, Boletus, and Inocybe that occur in Italy (in Italian).
The fungi of Veracruz, Mexico, are illustrated and described here. Phallales and mushrooms are a particular focus.The site includes the beautifully illustrated fact sheets that comprise the series Fungi Veracruzana (in Spanish).
Identification of species of Hypomyces (parasites of mushrooms and other fungi) using an interactive key.
Orbiliomycetes are minute cup fungi that are notoriously difficult to identify. Hans-Otto Baral has compiled this set of useful images to help with identification. Also on the site is an overview of the genera and subgeneric taxa in this group, as well as some Orbilia look-alikes.
This important site compiles all known fungus names and their bibliographic citations. It is based largely upon the Index of Fungi, and has been improved by many contributors.
The online version of the Index Herbariorum can be searched and updated online courtesy of the New York Botanical Garden.
The WWW version of the ING is a massive searchable index of generic names of organisms covered by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (including, of course, Fungi). A bibliographic citation, and information on typification, status, and classification are provided for each generic name.
This searchable Index to American Botanical Literature is provided by the New York Botanic Garden, and includes much useful bibliographic information about fungi.
This index to specimens included in Poelt et al.'s exsiccatae Plantae Graecenses was compiled by Christian Scheuer.
Infoforum Schimmelpilz is a German site on molds, with a special focus on those that occur inside, where they're not wanted.
A site devoted to little brown mushrooms in the genus Inocybe, including keys to (southern European?) subgeneric taxa and species.
The current version of the ICBN (St. Louis Code, 2000) is available online in English and Slovak. Its appendices include lists of conserved and rejected names. The code specifies the rules by which plants and fungi are named.
This site provides a searchable index of names of seed plants, and also of the authors of plant and fungus names. This project doesn't aim to include fungal names; for mycologists it is most useful for looking up author names and abbreviations.
A group devoted to studying the genus Cordyceps, which includes parasites of insects and false truffles (Elaphomyces spp.). In English and Japanese.
A journal aimed at furthering study of the difficult genus Cortinarius in Europe. There's a nice gallery of photos. In German, French, English and Italian!
A key to the species of Cortinarius subgenus Dermocybe that occur in the Nordic countries of Europe.
An online key for identifying the Tricholoma species of Quebec by Yves Lamoureux and Jean Despres.
Greg Mueller's handsome monograph of the mushroom genus Laccaria in North America includes keys, phylogenetic trees, photographs, morphological and ecological information.
Lists and illustrations of species of the mushroom genus Lactarius that occur in Sweden (in Swedish).
LIAS is a developing DELTA-based system to facilitate systematic studies of lichenized and lichenicolous Ascomycetes. It is coordinated by the Botanische Staatssammlung München.
A compilation of scanned page images of historical and hard-to-find mycological literature. Contributions are invited, but there are already many useful things on this site, including the rare first few volumes of Mycotaxon. Compiled by Paul Kirk at CABI.
This site provides a survey of lichen research going on at the Smithsonian Inst. (Washington D.C., USA). Among the included resources are checklists and keys for the lichenized fungi recorded from the Guianas; a nomenclator of names in the Parmeliaceae; a list of lichen types in the US National Herbarium; and a brief introduction to lichens.
Lichenland provides a fine introduction to lichens for both professionals and amateurs. Synoptic keys to taxa and to terms lead to many fine images of lichens, a compilation of their characteristics, and pertinent literature.
Cliff Wetmore's pages at the University of Minnesota include information about Caloplaca (online keys), graduate studies in lichenology, and information on his series, Lichenes Exsiccati MIN.
This survey of keys to various lichens available on the web was compiled by Harrie Sipman, who wrote more than a few of them himself.
A searchable listing of lichen species recorded from US National Parks is available through the Wisconsin Cooperative Park Studies Unit at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This project aims to provide information on the distribution and diversity of Norwegian macromycetes (larger fungi) in order to better understand and conserve fungal biodiversity.
Searchable text, plus illustrations from Matsushima Mycological Memoirs no. 8.
Color images of many microfungi taken under the microscope. Over 100 genera of molds are represented.
A series issued by the Botanische Staatssammlung München.
An online version of David Malloch's excellent guide to moulds (University of Toronto Press, 1981), complete with keys, media recipes, and illustrations of common genera. This book makes a great introduction to hyphomycetes for those with access to a microscope.
A truly great site for beginners. It includes lots of how-to information on collecting, spore printing, writing descriptions, etc. Also lots of great keys, ranging from a beginner's key to common fungi of North America, to more detailed keys to the genera Agrocybe, Armillaria, Austroboletus, Boletellus, Boletus, Coprinus, Fuscoboletinus, Gomphidius, Gyrodon, Gyromitra, Gyroporus, Hericium, Laccaria, Lactarius, Leccinum, Morchella, Naematoloma, Phylloporus, Pluteus, Pulveroboletus, Strobilomyces, Suillus, Tylopilus, Verpa, Volvariella. There are also keys to several other groups, including the Nidulariaceae and Phallaceae. Definitely worth a look.
The Hampshire Fungus Recording group provides these images of mushrooms and their kin.
Mycology students at Duke University (NC, USA) have prepared this site documenting the mushrooms of North Carolina. Their excellent photographs are available here.
Photographs and descriptions of some (mainly European) species of the mushroom genus Mycena are provided by Arne Aronsen.
Mycologue is a publishing company founded by W. Bryce Kendrick. It provides books, teaching materials, and computerized keys to fungi (Canada). The site also includes information and many illustrations of fungi that complement Dr. Kendrick's textbook, The Fifth Kingdom (q.v.).
Mycology Net is a launching place for studies in systematic mycology, and includes a discussion forum, and a large collection of links to searchable literature databases and other resources.
Mycology Online is a guide to fungal pathogens of humans, the diseases they cause, and selected case studies. This Australian site is searchable, nicely illustrated (not for the squeamish!), and replete with information.
An online and print journal of mycological systematics, specializing in checklists, inventories, and notes on classification.
The Mycorrhiza Information Exchange covers everything you need: literature databases, job ads, teaching tips, images, inoculum sources, links, etc. Participation is invited.
This index to specimens included in Petrak's exsiccatae Mycotheca Generalis was compiled by Christian Scheuer.
This web site devoted to myxomycetes provides information on the plasmodial slime molds, including some impressively gooey images.
NCU-3e is a searchable nomenclatural database of generic names in current use for organisms (including fungi) treated under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. This is an online version of a book published in 1993 by Koeltz Scientific as vol. 129 of the Regnum Vegetabile series.
NCBI provides GenBank, an invaluable database of DNA sequences from all organisms. Use the taxonomy browser, or perform a BLAST search to find sequences of interest.
The North American Lichen Project includes essays on lichen biology and the uses of lichens by people and animals, as well as excerpts and lovely photographs from the forthcoming book Lichens of North America, by I.M. Brodo, S.D. Sharnoff, and S. Sharnoff (Yale University Press).
NZFungi is a database of fungal species reported from New Zealand. It includes a searchable interface for names, bibliographic references, collection data, and other attributes, and can generate distribution maps to illustrate its records. It is a handsome effort. It's worth finding the right web browser (a recent version of Internet Explorer) to fully access the data.
This fine site provides comprehensive information on the discomycete order Pezizales (cup fungi which have operculate asci). The nice synoptic key will help you identify your specimens, especially if you collected them in western North America.
A radical proposal to change the way we name organisms. The Phylocode is a system that defines species according to their phylogenetic relationships. It is presented by the authors as an alternative to "Linnaean" nomenclature of the sort governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (q.v.). Some problems remain to be worked out, such as how to refer to a species.
PhysarumPlus is a resource for researchers studying Physarum and allied slime molds. It includes life cycle information, a question and answer forum, images, protocols for culturing and molecular biology, and even an ode to Physarum.
CABI Bioscience provides this online identifier of Phytophthora species. It is based on DNA data: you PCR-amplify the ITS region of the genome, cut it with restriction enzymes, then input your results for comparison to a database of known strains.
The site documents an ongoing project of the New York Botanic Garden on the flora of French Guiana. It currently includes preliminary information on pyrenomycetes and loculoascomycetes from Sabine Huhndorf, as well as information on plant diversity.
Keys and illustrations of pyrenomycetes found in the Southwest of France.
An interactive key to rusts in the genus Ravenelia and a review of other information about the genus.
This index to specimens included in the exsiccatae Reliquiae Petrakianae was compiled by Christian Scheuer.
A cooperative African effort to build resources in microbial systematics.
These fine keys and information on the stromatic inoperculate discomycetes were prepared by Trond Schumacher and Arne Holst-Jensen. They focus on those taxa found in the Nordic countries.
A searchable index to fungal names published by Rolf Singer, a North American expert on macrofungi. Extracted from Mueller and Wu's 1997 book: Mycological Contributions of Rolf Singer: Field Itinerary, Index to New Taxa, and List of Publications.
Dr. Rod Tulloss (USA) has teamed up with Dr. Zhu-liang Yang (China) to produce these important pages on the genus Amanita. They include photos, keys, and technical descriptions of selected world species.
Sabine Huhndorf's website is entitled Studies in the Lasiosphaeriaceae: Monographs of two key genera and a family-level phylogeny. The site provides keys to genera as well as introductory and phylogenetic information on this family of perithecial ascomycetes in the order Sordariales.
A dynamic electronic mailing list for discussions on biosystematics, biogeography and collection curation. To subscribe, send a message to (leave subject line blank and omit signature): "signup taxacom your name" (e.g. signup taxacom Kathie Hodge)
TAXACOM archives are available for browsing and searching
TRED is a directory of American taxonomists that is searchable by field of expertise.
The Texas Plant Disease Handbook is a pretty comprehensive guide to plant diseases and the organisms that cause them.
A taxonomic treatment of the Echinosteliales (a group of slime molds) prepared by Francisco Pando. An INTKEY identification resource for use with DELTA software (q.v.) is provided.
An INTKEY package for identification of a group of slime molds, the Echinosteliales (requires the program INTKEY for Delta).
A site devoted to the taxonomy and biodiversity of slime molds. Including a database of slime mold names, an image gallery, advice on culture, and other details of slime mold life are found on these pages provided by Steve Stephenson at the University of Arkansas (US).
The genus Sarcoscypha includes the familiar large, red pixie cups. Hans-Otto Baral has compiled data on the known species and provides dichotomous and tabular keys to facilitate identification. Illustrations of microscopic features and anamorphs complement the site.
Identification of species of Tilletia (pathogens of grasses) using an interactive key.
A scientific journal of lichens.
This yucky-sounding website is actually a lovely treatment of a subgenus of the very large mushroom genus, Cortinarius. Species of Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium in Denmark and neighboring Europe are named and illustrated on this site.
A guide to the genera Russula, Lactarius and hypogeous allies in the western hemisphere, thie site includes a useful bibliography, images, and illustrations of important characters and chemical tests.
Peter Bostock provides this DOS/Windows-based software for translating from English to botanical Latin.
This phylogenetic navigator provides a tree that shows the evolutionary relationships of living organisms, including fungi. It also supplies descriptive pages on selected terminal taxa. Like biological systematics itself, it's a work in progress.
An interactive key to species of Trichoderma, including information on identification and images of structures and species. Nice.
A checklist and illustrations of species of the elegant mushroom genus Tricholoma in Denmark.
These pages by R.W. Lichtwardt and L.C. Ferrington document on ongoing project on the taxonomy and co-evolution of Trichomycetes (fungi that inhabit insect guts) and their blackfly hosts. Keys to trichomycete orders and genera, an extensive literature database, and an overview of trichomycete systematics.
The Taxonomy Resource and Index To Organism Names is a developing database of nomenclatural information that covers all kingdoms of organisms.
This incredibly valuable USDA-ARS site is the superstar of all mycological internet resources. It provides searchable data from "Fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the US;" and "Literature Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Fungi;" mycological literature reference databases; a listing of specimens in the National Fungus Collections (BPI); an index to Saccardo's "Sylloge Fungorum;" and and index to the "Index of Fungi." Alternate access is through telnet to (login USER; password: USER).
The Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley provides a well-prepared introduction to the kingdom Fungi, and also to two groups that have historically been studied by mycologists, the Oomycota and slime molds. Similar introductions are available for all other taxa. This link makes a valuable addition to any teaching program.
A molecular database for identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi, based on ITS sequences amplified from roots or fruiting bodies. The site also includes suggestion for PCR primers. The site currently focuses mainly on European fungi.
British waxcaps are featured on this site. Waxcaps are those brightly colored little fungi, common in British grasslands (but forest denizens in the Americas), in the genera Hygrocybe, Hygrophorus, Camarophyllus, etc. This site provides a nice introduction to their identification, conservation, and ecology. A key to British species is provided.
Excellent monographic treatments of various genera of the family Xylariaceae (Ascomycota) by J.D. Rogers, Y.-M. Ju, and M.J. Adams. Keys are available for the genera Biscogniauxia, Creosphaeria, Daldinia, Discoxylaria, Entoleuca, Hypoxylon, Jumillera, Kretzschmaria, Kretzschmariella, Stilbohypoxylon, Vivantia, and Whalleya, and each species is illustrated and thoroughly described. An index to more than 1200 species epithets is provided for the treated genera. A key to genera of the Xylariaceae has recently been completed. Wow.
Zoosporic Fungi Online provides up-to-date information on fungi (chytrids) and things we used to think were fungi (stramenopiles). There are reviews of publications, tips on cultural methods, phylogenetic trees, and images.